The author of this page is a servant. A servant to God, my family, my brothers and sisters, and people that God send to me, and you, the readers, strangers and friends who come across this page. I care that you enjoy the art, of course, but I care more that you come to God through Jesus Christ. And if you are already in Christ, that you absolutely persist: Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. (Revelations 14:12)

God gave me many gifts, and planted the Parable of Talents in my heart as a child. I would grow up to be a self-indulgent hedonistic atheist who used every ounce of power to justify my selfishness.

And yet, God is merciful, and he extends his hand, his Love is patient and kind and humble, and he gifts me with a wife, a child, a home in ol' Christian Bonnie Brae in Los Angeles, body, mind, soul, spirit, work, friends, and life itself.

Standing behind all the art on this page is the ceaseless encouragement of my wife and my baby girl.

Glory to God. May the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit bless you

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